(BlackFitness101.com) Many things can force one to realize they need to live a healthier life with more physical activity. Sometimes the decision to hit the gym can come from just wanting to be and feel healthier. The sluggish feeling is enough to set some people in motion. Then there is ...

(BlackFitness101.com) Many people, on average, do not drink enough water on a daily basis. Unfortunately, a good portion of the population lives with some degree of dehydration. Contrary to thought simply drinking liquid will not remedy dehydration. Certain drinks, especially those high in caffeine, can actually cause dehydration. Many of ...

(BlackFitness101.com) When many of us think of fitness, rigid diets, gym regimens, and ideas of shredding comes to mind. There are people that enjoy this manner of fitness and they find it to be wonderful, while others see it as the necessary inconvenience. Fitness is something we do because it’s ...

(BlackFitness101.com) In the journey to fitness there seems to be two extremes. One is fighting to force oneself to workout on a regular basis. Sometimes eating healthy isn’t as big of a stretch for some as actually going to the gym and doing the exercise. I admit I tend to fall ...

(BlackFitness101.com) The gym is a great place to work off steam. Many people deal with varying degrees of stress on a regular basis. Exercise is a known method to positively release said stress. Every person you see working out is not doing so for the love of fitness, nor because they ...

(BlackFitness101.com) Some people go to the gym to workout, in peace. Every person working out doesn’t see the gym as an interactive community that they engage in on a social level, and there is nothing wrong with that. For others the gym is a place to work out, but it is ...

(BlackFitness101.com) While upper-body exercises require gym equipment like weights, your body weight can replace this need. By using your own weight, you can put your arm muscles to the test and a one arm pushup uses only your body weight as an equipment. If you are learning to achieve a one ...

(BlackFitness101.com) In the battle to be strong and healthy, and stay that way, injury can pose some serious setbacks. Once injured, depending on the severity, you may find yourself in the hospital, enduring surgery, and coming to grips with physical therapy. If you are not an athlete whose been injured, or ...

(BlackFitness101.com) Summer is here and the rush is on to get those killer bodies after a long winter of sedentary living. If you’re like most, you want best results right now! What are the best exercises that will produce the greatest results in the least amount of time? After all, few ...

(BlackFitness101.com) What’s the key to losing weight – the kind that won’t come back? Burning fat. What’s the key to burning fat? There are a number of keys, that, when executed together, can produce outstanding results. It all begins with firing up your metabolism each morning and keeping that metabolic flame ...