(BlackFitness101.com) When it comes to working out, it’s often a good idea to ensure that you’re getting the most of out it. If you only ever put a bit of effort in or you’re not following the right procedures, you may find that you have wasted a work out! That can ...

(BlackFitness101.com) It is drilled our heads that when we workout we need to sweat. If we aren’t sweating we aren’t burning calories, nor ridding our body of toxins. As with most things…to much of anything isn’t good for you. It is important to dress appropriately for your workout without adding risks ...

(BlackFitnes101.com) Making the decision to exercise on a regular basis is one of the best health choices you can make. In conjunction with a healthy diet, and peaceful environment exercise can put you on a path to avoid many serious health illnesses. It is proven that controlling ones’ weight with exercise ...

(BlackFitness101.com) Sometimes we find that the gym is too big of a step. Everyone doesn’t find that setting to be relaxing, and sometimes it can cause one to be rather body conscious. In other cases, if you are on the move a lot, or traveling for work, you may want to ...

(BlackFitness101.com) Some that are new to fitness find the workout routine to be hard, and they drag themselves to the gym because they feel this is what they should be doing. It is true you can have a very controlled workout, and burn your calories. The problem is fitness encompasses more ...

(BlackFitness101.com) As many move towards overall wellness and fitness the gym has become a frequented spot. This is a positive trend, but just like with anything one would want to be courteous of others in that space. Though the gym may feel comfortable, and like home to some, it’s not your ...

(BlackFitness101.com) Every exercise plan begins with a single step. If you are extremely out of shape, focus on short-term goals so that you do not feel overwhelmed. The American Heart Association recommends that healthy adults do a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate cardiovascular activity every week, the equivalent of 30 ...

(BlackFitness101.com) There are some machines that have a reputation for giving us a hard time in the gym. They are good for us physically, but they are the epitome of “no pain, no gain”. The elliptical is a cardio machine that can render great results while being gently on the joints. ...

(BlackFitness101.com) With the New Year coming that means a New You. Or at least that’s the saying. But start now so not to put so much pressure on yourself to get started right on the 1st of the year. It’ll be easy to stick to your New Year resolutions or better ...

(BlackFitness101.com) It is widely accepted that regular exercise produces unparalleled positive effects on the body. Studies continually conclude that regular exercise, regardless of fitness level, muscle tone, or age, produces positive results on a person’s memory, sleep patterns, and physical stamina. With all the benefits of exercise, one of the ...