(BlackFitness101.com) There are some machines that have a reputation for giving us a hard time in the gym. They are good for us physically, but they are the epitome of “no pain, no gain”. The elliptical is a cardio machine that can render great results while being gently on the joints. ...

(BlackFitness101.com) With the New Year coming that means a New You. Or at least that’s the saying. But start now so not to put so much pressure on yourself to get started right on the 1st of the year. It’ll be easy to stick to your New Year resolutions or better ...

(BlackFitness101.com) It is widely accepted that regular exercise produces unparalleled positive effects on the body. Studies continually conclude that regular exercise, regardless of fitness level, muscle tone, or age, produces positive results on a person’s memory, sleep patterns, and physical stamina. With all the benefits of exercise, one of the ...

(BlackFitness101.com) With winter soon among us, winter is usually the time of year we all enjoy holiday eating and pack on the pounds. But you don’t want to reverse all the hard work you accomplished during the spring and summer months. Winter blues is an actual emotional state. You have to ...

(BlackFitness101.com) Time and time again we are reminded of the large amount of health disparities affecting African-Americans in this country. While heart disease leads as the top killer of Americans, it’s something that African-Americans are more particularly affected by. According to the American Heart Association, 44% of A.A. men and 48.9% ...

(BlackFitness101.com) Any workout is good for your body, but some exercises are far better than others for burning fat, as they increase your heart rate and help you burn a large number of calories. The best thing about fat burning exercises is they are are often high intensity, meaning you can ...

(BlackFitness101.com) One of my jobs as a fit pro is to build sets into my client’s fitness regimen. I stress to my clients the importance of finishing all of the prescribed sets. Doing so is good for the body. In life, also, finishing our dreams, our goals and our aspirations is ...

(BlackFitness101.com) Treadmills, bikes, ellipticals and gliders are just a few of the heavily used cardio machines at the gym. Let’s start by saying cardio is a healthy, and valuable, part of a workout. It is great for building endurance, blood circulation, warmups and heart health. Many women love cardio and it ...

(BlackFitness101.com) In our community we see so much emphasis put on heart health, blood pressure and diabetes. These areas are very important. In our day to day health regimen we must not neglect our back. When we hear about having a back bone it is always in reference to strength of ...

(BlackFitness101.com) Every day is the same: you go to work, you sit at your desk and you only leave your chair when you go home or you take a short break. This is not only uncomfortable, but also extremely dangerous for your health. Physical activity is vital for a healthy ...