(BlackFitness101.com) Time and time again we are reminded of the large amount of health disparities affecting African-Americans in this country. While heart disease leads as the top killer of Americans, it’s something that African-Americans are more particularly affected by. According to the American Heart Association, 44% of A.A. men and 48.9% ...

(BlackFitness101.com) Any workout is good for your body, but some exercises are far better than others for burning fat, as they increase your heart rate and help you burn a large number of calories. The best thing about fat burning exercises is they are are often high intensity, meaning you can ...

(BlackFitness101.com) Water is a necessity for our body. Without a doubt we need it, and our intake needs to be consistent for our body to function at its best potential. So many people grew up drinking regular tap water out the faucet, and there seemed to be no issue with it. ...

(BlackFitness101.com) Treadmills, bikes, ellipticals and gliders are just a few of the heavily used cardio machines at the gym. Let’s start by saying cardio is a healthy, and valuable, part of a workout. It is great for building endurance, blood circulation, warmups and heart health. Many women love cardio and it ...

(BlackFitness101.com) In our community we see so much emphasis put on heart health, blood pressure and diabetes. These areas are very important. In our day to day health regimen we must not neglect our back. When we hear about having a back bone it is always in reference to strength of ...

(BlackFitness101.com) There are many myths regarding fitness, and pregnancy. One myth is exercise is damaging so one should restrain form working out for nine months. This could not be further from the truth. Exercise, within reason, while pregnant is a great benefit for your health. Pregnancy is definitely not the time ...

(BlackFitness101.com) Edema, or water retention, is one a nagging recurring issue for many people. It usually rears its ugly head in ones legs, feet, hands or face. When we feel bloated or notice swelling in our appendages we very well could be dealing with water retention. On its own water retention ...

(BlackFitness101.com) New Year resolutions, self-awareness and health concerns often send people running to the gym with the ambitions to start a journey to fitness. Some have made the choice to eat healthy, in addition to workouts…and this is good. However, sometimes we have the wrong expectation about fitness. Losing weight, or ...

(BlackFitness101.com) In our society we are constantly inundated with information on how to lose weight. Each day it seems we are introduced to a new diet or craze or pill that’s aimed at taking the pounds off. How do we needle through this madness and find a sensible, non-invasive path ...

(BlackFitness101.com) Every day is the same: you go to work, you sit at your desk and you only leave your chair when you go home or you take a short break. This is not only uncomfortable, but also extremely dangerous for your health. Physical activity is vital for a healthy ...