(BlackFitness101.com) Eating healthy is a very important part of managing your weight, enhancing your workout, and seeing to your overall wellness. More people are looking at plant-based diets as a way to stave off a lot of diseases many feel are associated with eating meat. Granted meat is not the enemy ...
(BlackFitness101.com) I admit the think I hate most about working out is sweating. For a long time, my workouts really weren’t effective, and I couldn’t burn properly because I would not allow myself to get to the point to sweating. I’m not talking about the light sheen that sits on your ...
(BlackFitness101.com) In the battle to be strong and healthy, and stay that way, injury can pose some serious setbacks. Once injured, depending on the severity, you may find yourself in the hospital, enduring surgery, and coming to grips with physical therapy. If you are not an athlete whose been injured, or ...
(BlackFitness101.com) There is a major movement towards plant-based diets. There is a push to make people understand they are healthier when meat and meat-based products are removed from one’s diet. Meat is the cause of major health problems, weight gain, and other issues they say. For some people this very well ...
(BlackFitness101.com) Most people put intense stress on the body every day. Work, stress and just life itself can put strain on your body. We lift pull bend and exert the physical body without giving it what it needs to sustain the pressure it must face. Many people face back issues on ...
(BlackFitness101.com) Life can bring about changes in our body we would rather not endure. Weight gain can definitely cause health issues. You will find that joints hurt, and mobility is tested. However, it also takes a toll on self esteem and someone’s mental state. In a mad dash to lose wright ...
(BlackFitness101.com) It’s getting late in the afternoon and your daily commute is jammed by deadlines, grumpy bosses and traffic. You are navigating toward the gym with much excitement, but all things considered, you likely won’t keep your schedule at the present pace of affairs. Not to worry! You can always make ...
(BlackFitness101.com) Excessive weight can be dangerous for your body, mind and spirit. In short, what your body experiences can wreck your life. The mind-body connection is such a crucial aspect of life; it impacts every aspect of who we are as humans. Excessive weight is defined as the amount of weight ...
(BlackFitness101.com) It is hot! The heat in many parts of the country is clearly disrespectful. I admit if it were not for my Planet Fitness gym membership I think I would have to postpone my workouts until October or November. There is no way I would go outside these hot summer ...
(BlackFitness101.com) Summer is here and the rush is on to get those killer bodies after a long winter of sedentary living. If you’re like most, you want best results right now! What are the best exercises that will produce the greatest results in the least amount of time? After all, few ...
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