(BlackFitness101.com) How would you treat your car if you knew you had to keep it eighty years? I pose this question often to the forty to fifty year-old demographic I work with, because too often I see people experiencing the results similar to neglected cars: broken down, bad tires and ...
(BlackFitness101.com) If you are new to exercise, you may be filled with a little apprehension as to the journey you are about to launch. Most people who begin an exercise program quit within ninety-days. The most common reason is they just become overwhelmed with the enormity of the mission. Given ...
(BlackFitness101.com) Very often you feel exhausted, and you need something to get you back on track. Naturally, the first thing that comes in your mind when you are tired is to take a nap, but this is not always the best solution. Did you know that there are exercises that ...
(BlackFitness101.com) Losing weight is an extremely popular subject at the moment because of the fact that there is an increasingly large amount of people who are looking to try and make a change to their lifestyle and their weight. However, as a result of this, many people take to the ...
(BlackFitness101.com) If you are new to the gym, you are probably wondering whether is best to lift heavy or light weights as you embark on your fitness journey. The answer is it all depends on your fitness goals. No two people have the same end goals when it comes to ...
(BlackFitness101.com) When it comes to getting fit in today’s world, it seems as though the only way that you can really do this is by buying yourself a membership at a gym and exercising there multiple times throughout the week. Although this is an excellent option for many people out ...
(BlackFitness101.com) So what’s a gym potato? Glad you asked. A gym potato is the gym equivalent of a couch potato, a person who has found a comfy spot in the gym and consequently is seeing zero results. Now, I know a person has the right to do whatever he or ...
(BlackFitness101.com) Are you a road warrior who spends most of the time living out of suitcase but you want to keep fit? Keeping fit while traveling is just a matter of ingenuity and thinking outside the box. It’s being just as committed to a healthy lifestyle on the road just ...
(BlackFitness101.com) The beginning of the year always brings new fitness enthusiasts to the gym. Unfortunately most do not stick around to long due to a number of reasons. The most popular reason is they simply do not know how to use the gym for the most effective workout. The gym ...
(BlackFitness101.com) When it comes to losing weight, you should be aware of the fact that not all calories are equal. Different types of foods are affected in different ways when they are travelling through the metabolic paths of the body. Furthermore, things such as hormones, appetite and even the amount ...
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