(BlackFitness101.com) If you are new to the gym, you are probably wondering whether is best to lift heavy or light weights as you embark on your fitness journey. The answer is it all depends on your fitness goals. No two people have the same end goals when it comes to ...
(BlackFitness101.com) When it comes to getting fit in today’s world, it seems as though the only way that you can really do this is by buying yourself a membership at a gym and exercising there multiple times throughout the week. Although this is an excellent option for many people out ...
(BlackFitness101.com) So what’s a gym potato? Glad you asked. A gym potato is the gym equivalent of a couch potato, a person who has found a comfy spot in the gym and consequently is seeing zero results. Now, I know a person has the right to do whatever he or ...
(BlackFitness101.com) Are you a road warrior who spends most of the time living out of suitcase but you want to keep fit? Keeping fit while traveling is just a matter of ingenuity and thinking outside the box. It’s being just as committed to a healthy lifestyle on the road just ...
(BlackFitness101.com) The beginning of the year always brings new fitness enthusiasts to the gym. Unfortunately most do not stick around to long due to a number of reasons. The most popular reason is they simply do not know how to use the gym for the most effective workout. The gym ...
(BlackFitness101.com) The hardest rep in life for most people is to move beyond their excuse-ridden attitudes and experience the fit and fabulous life that is theirs. As a coach, I believe that we have been divinely wired for a prosperous and long life. We have our part to play, though. ...
(BlackFitness101.com) Here’s a Fitness Commandment: The body shall not live by the gym alone. Or at least it doesn’t have to. Yes, you go to the gym to sculpt the best physique possible. But there are some habits that, if followed, can shape your body, as well. The fact is ...
(BlackFitness101.com) Here are five exercises you can do right now to train your core. All you need is a floor and your body! Do this 3-5 circuits with 20 seconds of rest in between. But is exercise the only thing to do if you want a tight tummy? No! Tight ...
(BlackFitness101.com) Everyone wants to have a flat, toned abdomen, but this is not an easy thing to obtain. You have to work out constantly and to maintain a healthy, balanced diet. It is not simple to get rid of belly fat, but it is doable if you complete the right ...
(BlackFitness101.com) When it comes to the difference between running and jogging, there may not seem like there is much of a considerable distinction but what I will say is that the one major factor that makes them so different is the level of intensity that is involved. So running and ...
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