(BlackFitness101.com) One of my jobs as a fit pro is to build sets into my client’s fitness regimen. I stress to my clients the importance of finishing all of the prescribed sets. Doing so is good for the body. In life, also, finishing our dreams, our goals and our aspirations is ...

(BlackFitness101.com) New Year resolutions, self-awareness and health concerns often send people running to the gym with the ambitions to start a journey to fitness. Some have made the choice to eat healthy, in addition to workouts…and this is good. However, sometimes we have the wrong expectation about fitness. Losing weight, or ...

(BlackFitness101.com) Being in the fitness profession I run into a lot of people who have launched a journey to better health. While I’m always willing to offer my services, invariably I get the same response: “I know what to do” or “I can do it on my own.” Weeks or ...

(BlackFitness101.com) For women in particular, the thighs and the hips tend to be the areas of the body in which they seem to have the most amount of trouble trying to tone and slim down a little. Many people often become frustrated due to the fact that they feel as ...

(BlackFitness101.com) How would you treat your car if you knew you had to keep it eighty years? I pose this question often to the forty to fifty year-old demographic I work with, because too often I see people experiencing the results similar to neglected cars: broken down, bad tires and ...

(BlackFitness101.com) Very often you feel exhausted, and you need something to get you back on track. Naturally, the first thing that comes in your mind when you are tired is to take a nap, but this is not always the best solution. Did you know that there are exercises that ...

(BlackFitness101.com) When it comes to getting fit in today’s world, it seems as though the only way that you can really do this is by buying yourself a membership at a gym and exercising there multiple times throughout the week. Although this is an excellent option for many people out ...

(BlackFitness101.com) So what’s a gym potato? Glad you asked. A gym potato is the gym equivalent of a couch potato, a person who has found a comfy spot in the gym and consequently is seeing zero results.  Now, I know a person has the right to do whatever he or ...

(BlackFitness101.com) The beginning of the year always brings new fitness enthusiasts to the gym. Unfortunately most do not stick around to long due to a number of reasons. The most popular reason is they simply do not know how to use the gym for the most effective workout. The gym ...

(BlackFitness101.com) The hardest rep in life for most people is to move beyond their excuse-ridden attitudes and experience the fit and fabulous life that is theirs. As a coach, I believe that we have been divinely wired for a prosperous and long life. We have our part to play, though. ...