Beware of Heat Exhaustion.

( It is summer time and getting ones’ beach body is a priority for some while getting healthy in, what seems to be, favorable weather. Heat exhaustion is a condition that should never be taken lightly. Depending on the climate you live in, if you choose to exercise outdoors, the body’s natural methods to cool your body won’t work efficiently. Though heat exhaustion isn’t something you can’t remedy with a few adjustments, if unchecked, it can cause serious health problems. When working out, be it indoors or outdoors. You want to make sure you are doing all you can to keep your body temperatures in check. Having a good workout should not have you dizzy or wanting to vomit. We must know when our body is being pushed too hard, or in a condition whereby we need to pull back.

The human body is built to function in a very efficient manner. It will always alert you when something isn’t right. We should not let our perception of a condition cause us to ignore the body’s warning. Often times when we think of heat exhaustion we think of being outside too long. Our mind immediately takes us to the heat we face when the AC at home, or in the car is out.

Furthermore, we tend to protect our elderly, and children from heat…but it’s not something one tends to think about when working out. “Exercise-related heat exhaustion happens when your body can no longer get rid of the extra heat made during exercise, and your body temperature rises more than is healthy. Not drinking enough fluids during exercise can also cause dehydration. Together, these things can make you collapse.”

Where we live can affect heat exhaustion when we work out. If you live in climates that have very high humidity not only is heat exhaustion a risk, but there are moments when breathing may seem labored. “Exercising outdoors on a hot day can cause heat exhaustion. But humidity also plays a large role. In high humidity, your body can’t use sweat to cool itself. This robs your body of one of the most important ways of getting rid of extra heat.” Consider working out outdoors, especially in humid climates, early in the morning or late evening. The goal is to avoid the hottest part of the day. Even in dry heat it is wise to set workout times when the sun is not at its high during the day.

Lastly, remember heat exhaustion can also stem not only from a lack of fluids but: pushing the workout to hard when you aren’t use to outdoors exercise, doing too much too soon and you are overweight, and drinking too much alcohol and working out. Health and fitness is a marathon not a sprint so you’d want to be sure you are taking your time as you are developing your body. You must respect your body’s current limitation while training it to do more. Even when the seasons change beware of heat exhaustion while working out. If you are dizzy, nauseous, sweating profusely, experiencing labored breathing, cramps or rapid heartbeat consider heat exhaustion and take it easy.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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