Working Out Might Help Kill Your Cold.

( It seems that the cold and flu are going around again. Feeling bad can make it very hard to get up and go to the gym. Body ache, congestion and the lack of overall energy tends to keep us in the bed trying to nurse our way to health. Granted if you are suffering with severe symptoms which include a fever then one should consult with the doctor about when it would be best to return to the gym. However, if you aren’t dealing with a severe case the persevering to the gym could actually help us get over our sickness just a bit quicker. It’s very important to remember to stay very hydrated with fluids so that the workout does not have an adverse effect.

One possible benefit of exercising with a cold: If you’re generally well-hydrated, a workout can break up congestion, notes Dr. Durst. However, your congestion could worsen if you’re dehydrated.”

If you decide to workout thorough your cold, it is very important not to overwork yourself. The main goal is to work up a small sweat hence sweating out ones’ sickness. Yet, it is equally important to listen to your body, take adequate breaks and mind preexisting conditions. You may do a bit of cardio, but if your strength levels are very low it would be dangerous to engage a straining resistance workout. Lots of gyms also offer massage therapy. Sitting in the massage chair after a light cardio workout, or laying on the hydro massage table can also help you feel better especially if you are battling with body ache.

The gym offers its greatest asset against colds by helping to prevent them. When we workout our immune system is better able to fight infection. “Some studies show that “moderate intensity” exercise may cut down the number of colds you get. That type of activity includes things like a 20- to 30-minute walk every day, going to the gym every other day, or biking with your kids a few times a week.” Keeping our bodies active and moving while properly hydrated along with a healthy diet will decrease the chances of having to battle the cold and flu season.

It is very important during your workout regimen to be sure you allow the body to recover especially when you have long straining workouts. This is necessary so that you don’t put your body in a vulnerable position due to being overworked. “But at a certain point, the physical stress of a long workout undermines the immune system and leaves the endurance athlete even more vulnerable to infection than before a workout.

“The general consensus, I believe, is that 30 minutes, three or four times a week, is generally considered to have positive effects,” said Michael Flynn, who studies exercise’s effects on the immune system at Purdue University in West Lafayette. One study showed that jogging about 10 miles a week was beneficial to the body’s defenses, but 20 miles was associated with an increased risk of infection, Flynn said.”

Exercise can help us get through a cold, and prevent one. We just want to be sure to listen to our body, and take it easy. Let’s stay in the gym, in moderation, during this cold and flu season.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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