Ways to Help Control Water Retention.

(BlackFitness101.com) Edema, or water retention, is one a nagging recurring issue for many people. It usually rears its ugly head in ones legs, feet, hands or face. When we feel bloated or notice swelling in our appendages we very well could be dealing with water retention. On its own water retention is more annoying than deadly, but the affects it can have on the body, or its presence, can signal serious health issues. Heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver, kidney failure, premenstrual syndrome and preeclampsia are a few conditions that can cause water retention. However, sometimes it can be brought on by changes in our behavior, and diet. These things can also aid us in controlling water retention. If you find that you are experiencing swelling due water retention there are some things you can do to control it.

It is very important to drink water every day throughout the day. Water makes up at least half of our body and it is essential to its proper function. The body will retain what if is lead to believe it blackwoman-drinking-waterwon’t receive. When we are not drinking water regularly we don’t just face dehydration…we are sending our body a signal that it may not get water for some time. When this happens our body will retain water.

Drinking adequate water allows our body to flush properly. If you realize you are dehydrated there is a large chance you are retaining fluid. Many of us were raised believing eight 8oz glasses of water a day is sufficient for the body. There are now studies directing us to intake half of our body weight in water a day. Water is simple way to control fluid retention.

Exercise is a great asset to reduce fluid retention. When we workout our body heats up, and releases fluid via sweating. While we are working on getting physically fit we are also assisting our body with the release of toxins and much needed fluid. In addition to sweating exercising helps to increase circulation in our body. Better circulation is not just good for our hearts…it also helps reduce swelling that can be associated with water retention.

Nutrition has a part to play in controlling fluid. Reducing salt in one’s diet greatly helps to combat swelling and fluid retention. High levels of sodium intake is very unhealthy, and can also lead to high blood pressure. Decreasing sodium, while increasing water, helps the body regulate fluid. Adding fresh fruit and vegetables to the diet aids the body in proper function, and can help avoid fluid retention. Diuretic foods and some of the more well-known foods, that help regulate the body, include celery, lettuce, carrots, onion, asparagus, tomato and cucumber. A balanced diet low in sodium is key in fighting water retention.

There are conditions, some we can’t avoid, that can cause water retention. However, in many cases we can control it by the decisions we make on a daily bases. Drinking more water, exercising regularly and having healthy eating habits can keep water retention at bay.

Staff Writer; Christian Starr

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